How to update or reset a array from input buttons ?
viewof counter = Inputs.button([
["Increment", value => value + 1],
["Decrement", value => value - 1],
["Reset", value => 0]
], {value: 0, label: "Counter"})
Update value of the button.
But how to update an array (add item with a variable value or reset the array)?
viewof a = Inputs.button(
["Add", (value) => value.push("foo")],
["Reset", (value) => []]
{ value: [], label: "An array" }
“foo” will be variable.
My underlying purpose is to capture like a basket different state of variables that will change from user actions.
This snippet seems to do what I want.
viewof a = Inputs.button(
["Add", () => mutable foo = foo.concat("aaa"),
["Reset", () => mutable foo = []]
{ value: [], label: "An array" }
Is it correct ?
February 3, 2022, 8:39pm
Hello, Were you able to get this to work?
In a way.
Mutable cannot be embedded.
I would have like to find a way to export the values. A kind of deep copy.
My purpose is to offer a sort a shopping cart (add item, remove one, reset)
then embed the values that the user has collected.
Play with the WMS Leaflet map GCA (DEV) / Patrick Brockmann / Observable
with ‘Add, …’, mapsArray always stays at it initial values (ie empty array []).
February 4, 2022, 6:31pm
I have sent you a more detailed suggestion
let me know if you have questions?
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February 10, 2022, 9:56am
The time sliders are probably missing because you haven’t fixed the “export” button’s base URL to your notebook: it’s still pointing to my fork.
htl.html`<button onClick="'${addHash(
)}', '_blank');">Export all maps</button>`
here you need to replace 983ed0edc556f69f
with @pbrockmann/wms-leaflet-gca-dev
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