Inspired by @mootari/notebook-teasers, I would like to make a simple row of card that collapses from three columns into one, but the tachyons CSS grid doesn’t seem to be working:
I start by referencing in the CSS file (is this even necessary, as Observable uses tachyons?), and from there plug in two online examples:
yet in both cases my grids don’t seem to take effect.
I notice in other tachyons examples that most elements come paired with additional / specific CSS. Is it the case that with each component I wish to use, I will have to copy out this css, store it somewhere and reference it in (such can be accomplished as an Observable html cell)? Or am I missing some method for just listing the components that I wish to use?
Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
confirmation that CSS is working.// my confusion. - Tom’s module debugger won’t find