Support for AG Grid in Observable Framework

How to use ag-grid in Observable Framework?

I’m using this code:

<div class="card" style="margin: 0 -1rem;">
<div id="gridContainer" class="ag-theme-alpine"></div>

const gridOptions = ({
  columnDefs: [
    { headerName: "Species", field: "species", filter: true },
    { headerName: "Island", field: "island", filter: true },
    { headerName: "Culmen length (mm)", field: "culmen_length_mm", filter: true },
    { headerName: "Culmen depth (mm)", field: "culmen_depth_mm", filter: true },
    { headerName: "Flipper length (mm)", field: "flipper_length_mm", filter: true },
    { headerName: "Body mass (grams)", field: "body_mass_g", filter: true },
    { headerName: "Sex", field: "sex", filter: true }
  rowData: penguins,
  rowSelection: "single"

const instcgrid = new AgGrid.Grid(gridContainer, gridOptions);

thank you in advance

I assume you also have a line in there somewhere like:
const gridContainer = document.querySelector('#gridContainer');

Yes, actually I have next result:

Looks like all you are missing is the stylesheet and theme… if you add this to your markdown file it should work:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">

Ah yes, thanks for the help!!!

now it worked!!

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An extended version of Cobus’s answer (including support for dark mode) is now published at AG Grid | Pangea Proxima