Hi. I have been using Observable Plot within quarto documents to create interactive plots for HTML output. It really works so well! Is there any way to change the defaults of Plot so they apply to all the plots in a document?
For example, setting backgroundColor: "red" in a way it applies to all plots, without the need to change it in each plot. The same for other plot properties (font, etc).
(This approach won’t work with Plot.barY(…).plot(), though.)
If you really want to override the behavior of Plot so that you don’t have to rewrite your code, then you could monkey patch Plot like so:
Plot = {
const Plot = await require("@observablehq/plot@0.6.4/dist/plot.umd.min.js");
const {plot} = Plot; // capture the base plot before overriding
// A themed version of Plot.plot, altering the default options. Note that
// nested options (e.g., x.grid) will require fancier destructuring.
function myplot({style = "background-color: black; color: white;", ...options} = {}) {
return plot({style, ...options});
// Override Plot.plot to use the theme.
Plot.plot = myplot;
// Override Mark.prototoype.plot for mark shorthand.
Plot.Mark.prototype.plot = function({marks = [], ...options} = {}) {
return myplot({...options, marks: [...marks, this]});
return Plot;
But it’s messy to do this; for example if the code above runs more than once, it will wrap the themed plot to apply the theme twice! S I recommend using a helper plot method instead. As @Fil said we’d like to offer more explicit supporting for theming within Plot soon. Then it’d probably be something like