I’m trying to draw border around bars on mouse over in this Plot - Vacation Gantt / hashg / Observable
Something similar to this
I could not find any API to attain this here - Observable Plot / Observable / Observable
I’m trying to draw border around bars on mouse over in this Plot - Vacation Gantt / hashg / Observable
Something similar to this
I could not find any API to attain this here - Observable Plot / Observable / Observable
Plot doesn’t have interactions (yet). For now, you can use the svg it returns and animate it with css or javascript.
For example:
html`<style>svg g:nth-of-type(5) rect:hover { stroke: black; stroke-width: 3 }`
const container = d3.select(chart).select("g[aria-label]:nth-of-type(5)");
const rects = container.selectAll("rect");
rects.on("mouseenter", function () {
rects.attr("rx", null).classed("highlight", false);
d3.select(this).raise().attr("rx", 4).classed("highlight", true);
return html`<style>rect.highlight {stroke: black; stroke-width: 4;}`
Thank you for quick solution.