Is it possible to have a domain/range-based Plot Legend when the fill attribute for an overlapping barX Mark is utilized?
See: Plot Issue / Mario Delgado / Observable and toggle the ‘Legend Object’ radio input for an example.
Is it possible to have a domain/range-based Plot Legend when the fill attribute for an overlapping barX Mark is utilized?
See: Plot Issue / Mario Delgado / Observable and toggle the ‘Legend Object’ radio input for an example.
When fill is a constant color (your first bar), it can be specified as a css color (“green”).
However a dynamic color (your second bar), will pass through the color scale if it exists. If that scale has a domain, each of the colors is going to be compared to the domain, and the mark will not be drawn if its value is not in the domain (“red” or “blue”).
A solution could be something like
color: {
legend: true,
domain: ["Expense<50", "Expense+50"],
range: ["blue", "red"]
marks: [
Plot.barX(data, {
x: "Income",
y: "Year",
fill: "green"
Plot.barX(data, {
x: "Expense",
y: "Year",
// Dynamic fill
fill: (d) => (d.Expense < 50 ? "Expense<50" : "Expense+50")
Your recommendation addressed the Legend, but the dynamic bar fill value is not assigned by Plot:
See updated notebook: Plot Issue / Mario Delgado | Observable
It’s because the second bar mark uses the fixed data variable, instead of the value set by the slider.