Perfomance issue with one of the maps


  1. Downloaded the svg file of the top cell plot into a wordpress post

  2. On some machines on the WP/browser it takes about 5 seconds for the first mouseover to pop up the annotation, to the point that users report it as a bug non-functional

  3. On other machines 2-3s lag, on the svg file itself seems to work fast.

  4. Please review the published notebook above, there all these files that keep mounting up i.e. the previous data which I had to replace for new ones, how can I delete the old file attachments?



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Users are reporting the slow performance reported is mostly on the macs and faster on Windows.

Is this any better:

This uses Tippy to set up the tooltips, which I generally find to be faster than the native tooltips you’re using, though I’m not certain that it addresses the specific issue you’re talking about.

When I view your notebook, I see just 2 files, the commonly used states-albers-10m.json and Sample DAAC data-TRENT_1586745787421@7.tsv. I guess that’s your seventh version but other folks won’t see the others and they’re not downloaded to the end user at any point in time so there’s really no need to delete them. In fact, deletion might break earlier versions of your notebook so it’s generally discouraged, until you’ve finalized your work.

Having said that, if you click on where it says n files like so:

Screen Shot 2020-05-05 at 3.23.49 PM
a little widget should pop up that allows you to interactively delete the files you don’t want.

Thanx for the faster code, however tool tip does not work if I download as svg file and upload to the browser for viewing.

In the previous version downloaded the svg file and hotspot work.

However I like your version more, if you could help me to figure out how to add it to the wordpress a iframe embed that would be great

I forked your version and tried to copy the embed code into Wordpress:

It is not working reporting a syntax error:

SyntaxError: expected expression, got ‘<’


Ignore this, sigh! In wordpress use the short cut to add the embed code from here.

Thank you Mr. mcmcclur.

OK, that makes sense actually. I didn’t quite put it together from your original post that you wanted a stand alone SVG with title elements. Unfortunately, I know nothing about Wordpress and how media is embedded there.

My friend I am in your debt, your help was timely and quite competent! I already moved the embed code into Wordpress and all works! Thanx.

Hope to have more chats with you, impressed by your abilities.

Dara O Shayda
Kilkenney Ireland

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