Tom: Thank you! This is totally huge. I am toying around with it now and don’t exactly have a handle yet on how to implement, but if I am reading correctly you’ve now completely contained all encryption and decryption functions within a notebook?! Can I now store, say, an AWS IAM key value within a notebook without exposing it as clear text without involving some intermediary to help manage that handshake (if I am reading this right - I assume this is a ‘yes’) ?
I haven’t yet got my head around how I will pass my traffic to and from AWS through this encryption to arrive at the key, but I am totally eager to learn. Can’t wait to find a few minutes to play! Thank you!
Yeah, keys were my motivation. The password holder decrypts the payload in their browser, so, they are exposed to the plaintext key, but in the situations I would use this, thats ok as they are a privileged user.