I still have a ways to go with more explanatory diagrams but I added an amusing picture to the top of
… so it’s not just formulas anymore. Warning: moving the points around and watching the little rainbow lines move in response is kind of addicting, and might distract you from whatever work you were otherwise trying to do.
Try this self-contained version:
// Given an array of knots and an array of values,
// return a function which evaluates a natural cubic spline
// extrapolated by linear functions on either end.
NCS = function NCS(knots, values) {
const n = knots.length - 1;
const t = new Float64Array(n+3); t.set(knots, 1);
const y = new Float64Array(n+3); y.set(values, 1);
const s = new Float64Array(n+2); // horizontal scales
const m = new Float64Array(n+3); // slope at each knot
const d = new Float64Array(n+3); // diagonal matrix
// Natural cubic spline algorithm
for (let i = 1; i < n+1; i++) {
s[i] = 1 / (t[i+1] - t[i]);
m[i] += (m[i+1] = 3*s[i]*s[i]*(y[i+1] - y[i])); }
d[1] = 0.5 / s[1];
m[1] = d[1] * m[1];
for (let i = 2; i <= n+1; i++) {
d[i] = 1 / (2*(s[i] + s[i-1]) - s[i-1]*s[i-1]*d[i-1]);
m[i] = d[i]*(m[i] - s[i-1]*m[i-1]); }
for (let i = n; i >= 1; i--) {
m[i] -= d[i]*s[i]*m[i+1]; }
// Linear extrapolation
t[0] = t[1] - 1; t[n+2] = t[n+1] + 1;
y[0] = y[1] - m[1]; y[n+2] = y[n+1] + m[n+1];
s[0] = s[n+1] = 1;
m[0] = m[1]; m[n+2] = m[n+1];
// Set up Chebyshev coefficients
const coeffs = new Float64Array(4*(n+2));
for (let i = 0; i < n+2; i++) {
const h = t[i+1] - t[i];
const y0 = y[i], y1 = y[i+1], m0 = h*m[i], m1 = h*m[i+1], j = 4*i;
coeffs[j] = 0.5*(y0 + y1 + 0.125*(m0 - m1));
coeffs[j+1] = 0.03125*(18*(y1 - y0) - m0 - m1);
coeffs[j+2] = 0.0625*(m1 - m0);
coeffs[j+3] = 0.03125*(2*(y0 - y1) + m0 + m1); }
return Object.assign(
function eval_spline(u) {
// Binary search
let nn = t.length - 1, low = 0, half;
while ((half = (nn/2)|0) > 0) {
low += half * (t[low + half] <= u);
nn -= half; }
const i = low, j = 4*i;
u = (2*u - t[i] - t[i+1]) * s[i]; // scale to [–1, 1]
// Clenshaw's method.
let b1 = coeffs[j+3], b2 = coeffs[j+2] + 2 * u * b1;
b1 = coeffs[j+1] + 2 * u * b2 - b1;
return coeffs[j] + u * b1 - b2; },
{ knots: t, values: y, dvalues: m, scales: s, coeffs: coeffs });
Example usage:
t = [1, 2.5, 3, 4, 5.5, 6, 7, 7.2, 9],
y = [1, 1.5, 1, 2, 1, 1.5, 1.3, 1.1, 1],
spline = NCS(t, y),
x = [...Array(500).keys()].map(i=> i/50),
div = DOM.element('div');
Plotly.newPlot(div, [
{ x: x, y: x.map(spline), mode: 'lines', type: 'scatter'},
{ x: t, y: y, mode: 'markers', type: 'scatter'}
], {width: width});
return div;