Hi there,
I’m new to Observable Plot (and js) and could not find a similar question in the community help topics for this. I am trying to create a chart that displays stacked values over time and facet that by an additional category. The resulting chart is duplicating the values for both of the fy channels.
I’ve been reading the documentation for stack, bin & group but I’m not able to figure it out, I believe I might have to group the data before binning (?). Below is the code snippet and a link to the notebook:
facet: {
data: data.filter(d => d.country == 'US' || d.country == 'CA'),
y: 'country'
marks: [
data.filter(d => d.country == 'US' || d.country == 'CA'),
{ y: "count" },
x: "date",
y: "price_in_usd",
fill: "brand",
thresholds: d3.utcDay
marginLeft: 100,
width: 666,
height: 300