Notebook reload/refresh HTTP GET often takes >14s

Hi @mbostock, sorry to bother you with this once more.

Having a load time of >10s makes notebooks beyond practical use, unacceptable even, TMHO. Potential visitors will either hit reload several times—making the problem worse, or simply leave.

I am seriously looking for a solution or workaround. I will be happy to go through any tedious and boring labour to get it fixed, while keeping the original title and user friendly URI (part of the UI).

Please tell me what I (or you) can do to get load time back to <1s.

P.S. I wonder if the versioning system under the hood uses forward or reverse deltas to get to the current revision. I remember from ancient times (1985) that SCCS used forward deltas: it created the current revision by applying all deltas since birth. Over time, performance suffered terribly. So we switched to RCS, which keeps the latest revision ready to check out. Earlier revisions could be retrieved by reverse deltas back in time.

P.S. 2 I’ve fallen in love with Observable (and D3), so do want to continue investing time and effort in it.