Inputs.table outside of Observable - having it load all entries

Hi everyone,

I’m trying to use the magic + inputs.table combo outside of observable notebooks, within a traditional vanilla HTML/JS context.

By default, the Inputs.table only displays X lines and loads more when the user scrolls. This is complicated to achieve, I’d rather have it load all lines at once (the datasets I show do not have gazillion lines, maybe a few hundred tops).

This way I can probably CSS myself into having a scrollable element with all the lines for the user to scroll.

I couldn’t find an intuitive way to do this. Any ideas how one should go at this one?

Have a great day!

The rows option specifies the number of preloaded rows. You can set it to Infinity, but you will also have to set maxHeight.

This works and solves my problem, many thanks for your answer :pray: