Cross-post from javascript - How to use markes on a line graph in Observable Plot? - Stack Overflow
While working with Observable Plot], I stumbled across the markers section in the API documentation.
Yet, I cannot figure out how to make it work.
Imagine I have the following mark:
Plot.line(data, {x: "timestamp", y: "val", curve: "natural"})
How can I add markers to every data point on this line? I cannot extract that information from the API documentation (an example would be nice). Following versions do not work
Plot.line(data, {x: "timestamp", y: "val", curve: "natural", marker: true, markerEnd: "circle"})
Plot.line(data, {x: "timestamp", y: "val", curve: "natural", marker: "circle"})
Remark: I am not looking for a solution using an additional