I am new to Observable.
I have simulation data which contains 100 signals from time 0 to 600secs.
I want to have a drop down where user can select the signals of interest and they are plotted in separate line charts with max 3 per row. See Untitled / Selva's Workspace | Observable for example.
On this, I want shared zoom and shared tip.
Shared zoom:
On zooming one chart all the charts should zoom to same x limits. For example, say on reset or load first time, the x axis of all charts are from 0 to 600s. Now I zoom the 2nd chart from 0 to 100s, I want all the charts to zoom from 0 to 100s.
Shared tips:
On hovering 3rd chart at x=67s, I want to see the values of all charts’ signals at x=67s.
How can I achieve repeating charts based on user selection in dropdown, shared zoom and shared tip?