I start by trying to add in all required values for the select input type, which I understand to be name, id, form. Per the Mozilla documentation, I am aware that there’s a relationship between form and select that I am probably not setting correctly.
Searching the Internet for a solution, I keep finding examples that show me the element as an HTML element, but not so much on how to construct one in this way from JavaScript. The closest I have found is this fiddle, but I haven’t managed to massage a solution from it.
There is no such thing. All supported input types are listed here, under the section “ types”.
You create the <select> element and create, then append, each <option> element.
This can be simplified a lot with Observable’s html template tag function. E.g., given an object of values and labels, and a selected value, we can write:
It definitely helps to realize it’s no select input type.
I continue to stumble trying to integrate this function within your ‘Combined And Custom Forms’ Notebook. I can get the dropdown to show up, but I can’t pass a title value into it in any meaningful way, and the data values aren’t being returned as part of the form object.
I basically tried declaring the function separately and then adding in a row that contains it:
${row('My Selection',
value1: "Label for value 1",
value2: "Label for value 2"
}, "the_element_name", "value2"))}
The only purpose of that row() function is to generate the markup for a two-column row. The element’s ID is only used to link the generated <label> element to the form element.
For each property of the inputs object a getter is defined on the passed-in object {}. Let’s call {} our view_value. If we access, e.g., view_value.camera_id, then that property’s get() callback will dynamically look up the corresponding value in inputs.camera_id.value.
If you take a look at the original form, you can see that each element is assigned on-the-fly to the inputs object:
So for ${row('Camera ID', inputs.camera_id = html`<input ... the order is:
html`<input ... creates the element (or view, if you will). Note that the element already has a .value property.
inputs.camera_id = html`<input ... assigns the element to the camera_id property on the inputs object.
${row('Camera ID', inputs.camera_id = ... pass the value of inputs.camera_id to the function row().
row() wraps the element in the row/column markup and returns the result, which is what ends up in ${ ... } and ultimately places the element in the form variable’s DOM tree.
If you feel stuck while reading someone’s code, try to explain it to yourself (or write down the explanations, e.g. in code comments). This will give you some orientation and focus, and allow you to narrow down where you may have been misled by a wrong assumption.