Horizontal Stacked Bar Chart Timeline


I am trying to create a horizontal stacked bar chart that shows survey administrations of a longitudinal panel study. I would like each bar to represent each cohort. Then I would like to color a portion of each bar based on how many follow-up surveys they should have completed (how far along in the study they are).

I am using this observable example to visualize each panel cohort. Plot: Civilizations timeline / Observable | Observable
So the X-axis is time (or age) and the Y-axis is the cohort. But I would like to stack color portions of each bar based on how many follow up surveys they completed. Similar to something like this example Plot: Horizontal stacked bars / Observable | Observable

Except instead of grouping “counts” of a categorical variable like party affiliation. I would like to color portions of the bars based on ranges in time where they should have filled out a follow up surveys. Because I am fabricating this data and do not have a bunch of rows to count. Is this possible am I on the wrong track with the bar mark?

Hello, please open a GitHub discussion, as we’re trying to move the conversations about Plot to a central place. (It will also help if you can share an example dataset, and maybe a drawing showing what the chart should look like.)

Sounds good thanks!