Handling a Runtime Error

Is there a way of handling Runtime Errors in order to display a custom message/html element?

My situation, in short –

I have an embedded notebook displaying a WebGL canvas. I want to show a custom error message if this canvas loses context, prompting the visitor to reload the page. To do this, I have an event listener that swaps the canvas for another html element if the context is lost. However, this prompted the question – is it possible to handle a runtime error directly? This might be a terrible idea, I have no clue.

Thanks for your attention!

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If you want to use Observable’s error handling, then your error messages can only be strings, not HTML elements. Also, Observable’s runtime cannot handle async errors. This, e.g., won’t work:

  const canvas = DOM.canvas(600, 400);
  setTimeout(() => {throw Error('Context lost. Reload the page.')}, 1000);
  return canvas;

However, you can return a generator that yields your canvas as its first value, and a promise as its last. When an error happens, you reject the promise to let Observable know:

  let onError;
  const canvas = DOM.canvas(600, 400);
  const promise = new Promise((_, reject) => { onError = reject});
  setTimeout(() => onError('Context lost. Reload the page.'), 1000);
  yield canvas;
  yield promise;
  // Can also be written as:
  // yield* [canvas, promise];

By the way, your example is not a JS runtime error in the strictest sense, because Observable’s Runtime will detect that it cannot resolve “undefined_value” even before the cell is executed. That’s why a try / catch has no effect here.

If you want to test or demonstrate “real” runtime errors, try something like this:

  try { window.foo() }
  catch { return "error" }
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