Framework Page Title Width

Hi. How can I tweak (expand) the title width in my observable framework page? Here is my code:

theme: [light, wide]

# My Chart Title Wraps Too Early ...


import {cust_histogram} from "./components/cust_histogram.js";
const max_donation_hist = FileAttachment("data/max_donation_hist.tsv").tsv({typed: true});

<div class="grid grid-cols-1">
  <div class="card grid-rowspan-1">
    ${resize(width => cust_histogram(max_donation_hist, {width}))}

My # title line is only half as wide as the chart, and then it wraps. The front matter “wide” parameter seems to only apply to the charts.

Thanks for any advice.

The default stylesheet applies a max-width here:

You could disable that by using a custom style on the page:

<style type="text/css">

h1 {
  max-width: none;


Or you could specify the title in HTML:

<h1 style="max-width: none;">My Chart Title</h1>

Thanks so much!