Feature idea: way to browse dependent notebook graph

It’s awesome that we can see forks of a notebook (by appending /forks to the URL). But sometimes related notebooks are created by importing one into another, rather than by forking and editing.

It might be fun to expose some navigation of the dependency graph between notebooks, showing which public notebooks import any particular one.


Something like this https://beta.observablehq.com/@magjac/notebook-dependencies?

It’s incredibly slow. Partly because I had to use cors-anywhere and also because I don’t (yet) use asynchronous iteration.

Suggestions are welcome!


I’m thinking about a view of which notebooks import the current one, i.e. looking down the dependency tree, not up.

It also doesn’t need to be a tree view. Just a list of notebooks in the style of .../forks would be great.


Oh, I see. Obtaining that data seems significantly more difficult.

This has also been suggested on github:

Has there been any progress on this topic? I have three reasons to want to understand the dependencies and show a list in my notebook:

  1. so that we know if/ which notebooks could be impacted if we change the interface/behavior of our functions
  2. so that we can track it as a success measure for our project (we aim to create re-usable functions and cells)
  3. so that users who like the notebook can link through to examples where it is used.

upvote this issue and maybe my comment within it

