So I was trying to use some of the code found in this question, but it does not work.
The Runtime.
statement is slightly different from yours, but I am not sure how to modify it. What documentation should I be looking at to understand how Runtime
works / what it expects?
<div class="wrapper">
<div id="chart"></div>
<div id="ageGroup"></div>
<div id="classification"></div>
<div id="colorScheme"></div>
<script type="module">
// Load the Observable runtime and inspector
import {Inspector, Runtime} from "";
// Load your notebook, compiled as an ES module.
import notebook from "";
const renders = {"chart": "#chart",
"viewof ageGroup": "#ageGroup",
"viewof classification": "#classification",
"viewof colorScheme": "#colorScheme"};
for (let i in renders)
renders[i] = document.querySelector(renders[i]);
Runtime.load(notebook, (variable) => {
if (renders[])
return new Inspector(renders[]);