embed mutable values

it’s the ultimate serialization format.

thanks for having proposed a solution I will study.

In my comprehension, I would have like to be able
to define a static cell from a mutable variable.
A cell that could be evaluated when triggered only.

Isn’t that the case for all Variables? Afaik only cells with an attached observer (and their upstream dependencies) will be evaluated.

Edit: actually, embedded mutables seem to be treated differently. Given a notebook with:

viewof input = Inputs.range()
mutable value = 0
(mutable value = input)

if you embed only viewof input and value, the value will update when input changes, meaning that the unnamed cell still runs.

Edit 2: I’ve found that the cell selection for embedded notebooks is merely “cosmetic”. All cells will be evaluated, even those without an attached Inspector.

Edit 3: I’ve written about side effects and import gotchas here:

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