Editing and table and save the result.

Hi all.
I’m trying to evaluate if I can use Observable to solve a very specific problem. Since I was not able to find a solution in the last few days, I’m asking for your help.

I’m trying to build a Quarto dashboard in html (that supports ojs) to basically present tables.

I would like to read the tables from a file (e.g .csv), visualize it in the dashboard, edit the values in the dashboard and after save them back to the .csv file.

Can you tell me if this is possible and maybe point me out to some resources (examples, tutorials… ) so I can figure out how to proceed?

Thank you very much for your help.



conceptually similar, mootari imports and exports a zip of parquet files for duck db importing and exporting

plain CSV is simpler because Inputs.file has a helper for reading as CSV, so you jsut need that for importing. And exporting you see how mootari’s works, or just use the inbuilt “download as CSV” option on the cell menu on Observable.

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Dear @tomlarkworthy,

Thanks for your guidance to “Exporting your DuckDb Databases”. This is actually part of what I really need (but… before run I need to know how to walk :)).

I still need to have a Quarto notebook with a table, and (critical) be able to edit the values for later export.

I think I will be able to import (easy), export… but presenting a table and changing individual values is still not clear to me how I can do it.

Thank you very much for your reply.


Ahh, ok, the editing tables bit is not so easy. Visualizing table we have Inputs.table… but editing… nearest thing is Data Editor / Tom Larkworthy | Observable

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