DuckDBClient and overriding the types of specific columns

I have a csv file with a year column. By default DuckDBClient recognizes it with a number type.
But i’d like to cast it to a varchar type.

According to the DuckDB doc, i can override the types of specific columns with a types option :

SELECT * FROM read_csv_auto('world_data.csv', types={'year': 'VARCHAR'});

So i am trying:

db = DuckDBClient.of({
    world_data: {
      file: FileAttachment("world_data.csv"),
      types: {year: 'VARCHAR'}


db = DuckDBClient.of({
    world_data: {
      file: FileAttachment("world_data.csv"),
      types: {year: new Arrow.Utf8()}

but still get a number column for year.
Is there a proper way to write that “types” option, or isn’t she implemented in DuckDBClient yet?

I believe you want to specify the column types using the columns option rather than types. See the interface definition for CSVInsertOptions.