data loading driven from input group button

Hi All

  • I have input group of two date and one button component
  • I want to query BigQuery only after pressing button component from my input group

Rather simple use case, but I am totally stuck. I tired to adopt and trying for my use case, but I can’t figure out how to refer my button in either BQ block as I can’t extract button from the input group.

Here is my inputGroup:

viewof date_selector = inputsGroup(
     title: "Pick start date", 
     value: d3.timeFormat('%Y-%m-%d')(new Date()),
     description: ""
     title: "Pick end date", 
     value: d3.timeFormat('%Y-%m-%d')(new Date()),
     description: ""
     name: "bq_button",
     value: "Query Data",
     description: "",
     onclick: event => event.currentTarget.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("input", {bubbles: true}))
    //button: html`<form>${Object.assign(html`<button type=button>Query Data</button>`, {onclick: event => event.currentTarget.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("input", {bubbles: true}))})}`)

Here is my cell to extract data:

db_server = {
  return client.query(`SELECT DISTINCT name
FROM test.names`);

The problem is date_selector.bq_button is undefined and using date_selector doesn’t cut it out because I only want to listen on the button and not the whole group. Appreciate any help!

Check out Mike Bostock’s More Deliberate Inputs notebook for some pointers on how to change the value of the view only when the form is submitted.