Changing the x and y axis labels

I created a boxplot through ObservableHQ but would like to know how I can edit the x and y-axis labels. Here is the code I’m using:

            x: {
                grid: true,
                inset: 6,
            marks: [
                Plot.boxX(data, {
                    y: 'instance',
                    fill: '#0d6efd',
                    strokeWidth: 3,
                Plot.boxX(userData, {
                    y: 'instance',
                    fill: 'yellow',
                    strokeWidth: 3,
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You can use the x and y options to Plot.plot like so:

box_plot = Plot.plot({
  // Change the x-axis label from body_mass_g to the nicer "Body mass →"
  x: { label: "Body mass →" },

  // Also change the y-axis and, and place it at the top as well.
  y: { label: "Species", labelAnchor: "top" },
  width: 800,
  height: 300,
  marks: [Plot.boxX(penguins, { x: "body_mass_g", y: "species" })]

Note that the GitHub page is an excellent reference for this sort of thing.


Thank you for this. I’ve been trying to look for documentation all day. I’ll know where to look now going forwards when it comes to options.

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