Sorry - I’ve been burned by falling in love with things and having google yank them too often, I gotta ask; what is your business model? I just can’t get invested in another hosted service, no matter how cool (and - this is very cool) - and risk it disappearing once we’ve become dependent on it. I can host my own Jupyter stuff - but it doesn’t appear self-hosting is an option here, at least currently.
Related to that question, because again this is very cool - what can we do to support your efforts here? I mean, over and above using the site and sharing and word of mouth.
I fully realize you may not be able to answer this - you may not even know yet. Any info you can share is appreciated.
Yep, I can’t predict the future and though we definitely have plans, I shouldn’t share too many of them because they’ll inevitably change as we do more research & iteration.
What I can share is: we’re going to open source the runtime so you can run notebooks outside of the web environment. And, re: capitalism, we’ll introduce paid options as soon as we’re done implementing some super cool additional features/specs, and when that happens, please do lend some support! So, yep - export/running-on-your-own is definitely on the roadmap, as is business. For now, sharing and experimenting is the best way to support Observable - it’s already amazing to see what people have come up with!
Sounds good, thank you for the reply. I’d love to see some team/collaboration tools (the data I work with isn’t public, so a public share is out for me for the most part). I’d love to be able to make my employer throw money at this.