are there non-portable npm modules? or can something be done about them?

Thank you, Bryan. I had a feeling this was the case, but haven’t gotten as far as I would like into understanding modules just yet to fully confirm. During this experience, however, I have enjoyed reading about CommonJS and AMD and the related require documentation. I haven’t quite figured out how to tell which is which when reading module information on npm, so I was sorta of wondering if that was part of the issue. I also tried requiring in the many modules listed in that index file independently, but that turned out to be a somewhat absurd exercise…

I also owe @mhebrard a follow-up in the thread save a map (Openlayers), where he identifies the module html-to-image as not loading correctly… and I have been suspecting it’s something of the same issue (?)…

Thank you for your time and for helping me to stop messing around too much on this one! :slight_smile: I still hope to improve my scraping capacity…and I really need to figure out to DRY up this process, since it’s a total pain to re-create each of these cells, as I’ve done in the ADB project scraping notebook.
