Observable for research - (advanced) statistics

tl;dr: Here’s a notebook which presents a few approaches toward importing stdlib. I’ve used the erf/ervinv/erfc/erfcinv example— /cc @mcmcclur —since that sort of rigor is sort of the raison d’etre for stdlib and is why I evangelize here and there and keep chipping away at improving it:

Though stdlib has a long way to go. If there are things which would be particularly helpful to people, please let me know or ask for them on gitter.im/stdlib-js/stdlib.

Here are a couple variations for using stdlib on Observable:


// Local/node usage only; not for Observable
stdlib = require('@stdlib/stdlib')
erf = require('@stdlib/math/base/special/erf')

This variation is designed for local/node usage so that you can target specific imports and write, e.g. var blas = require('@stdlib/blas') and then bundle it locally. The module includes the unbundled source so you can target specific pieces. It is not appropriate for CDN usage.


The dist modules include only the bundled source and so are a better fit for CDN usage. See: @stdlib/dist-tree. You can read more here. They exclude particularly large pieces like sample datasets.

The following is ~500kb gzipped and includes blas (which, at present, is mostly just a placeholder package for a future translation of blas to js):

stdlib = require('https://unpkg.com/@stdlib/dist-tree')
blas = stdlib.blas


The @stdlib/esm module exposes stdlib rewritten as ES modules. WIP so although internals may change, usage should remain stable. In this module, each of stdlib’s modules is bundled into a single (minified) file, and intra-project dependencies are resolved as ES modules. There are sometimes a large number of intra-project dependencies, but I think a combination of multiplexed HTTP/2 requests and caching make it pretty acceptable for Observable. If you import very large pieces of stdlib (e.g. all of it), then the dist bundles may be a better fit. I’m almost happy with the result [1].

Finding a good CDN is challenging. Tip of the hat to @mootari for figuring out that jsdelivr.com definitely does the best job there. I worked pretty hard to vendor any external deps, bundle, minify, etc, so that all it needs is static file delivery. Thus, for a variety of related reasons, some CDNs (e.g. unpkg.com, skypack.dev, deno.land/x) either reject the size or try to repeat some of these preparation steps and really struggle.

The following work pretty well and allow importing of either blas (called a namespace package, which exposes as named exports all of its modules including ddot) or just ddot:

// Import blas:
blas = import("https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@stdlib/esm@0.0.3/blas.js")

// Import a single module from blas:
ddot = (await import("https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@stdlib/esm@0.0.3/ddot.js")).default

[1] sourcemaps are present but slightly broken and I’m not eager to use magic-string to fix that until I’m pretty confident it’s headed in the right direction as a whole. The single biggest challenge is that some CDNs (rightfully) reject the size, even though you may only request a few bytes of files. We could trim this down, but not needing to trim it down and complicate things with separate bundles for separate use cases was certainly a large part of the motivation for ES modules to begin with. TBH I don’t know how to break the ES module distribution into parts since that would require ES module dependencies across those parts. C’est la vie. Suggestions welcome. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


@chrispahm To your specific question about stats, one of the core stdlib developers is currently a stats postdoc using/developing stdlib as part of his work, so it has a particular emphasis on stats. See: @stdlib/stats, @stdlib/stats/base, and @stdlib/math/base/special (*). Unfortunately, I’m not the one who can really speak about the structure and breadth of the stats functionality, but I do know that a lot of effort has been put into rigorous low-level math functions that power it (though linear algebra is not there yet). The above outlines how the functions can be imported, and gitter.im/stdlib-js/stdlib is a good place to ask about features/usage if you’re interested.

(*) “base” refers to core implementations that do the heavy lifting. As opposed to ongoing work which will wrap those in higher level APIs for which sin(a) might return a per-element sine if a is an ndarray or a complex number if the input were complex.


Thanks a lot Ricky! stdlib is definitely on my list soon.

@mcmcclur Don’t hesitate to offer thoughts/feedback/requests. If there’s something you’re interested in (ODEs, for example), there’s a good chance it’s not there but that it’s the goal for it to exist. :slight_smile: Knowing what’s particularly valuable/desired might also help kickstart implementation.

I’ve just come across this: ES2021, in particular, stating availability of WeakRef and FinalizationRegistry in ES2021. I was wondering if you guys have been having any further discussions or progress on plans for BLAS/LAPACK. I don’t work on this myself, but I’m trying to keep tabs on who might be, to get a sense for potential timelines for availability.