If Observable authenticates via GitHub, can I easily write to it?

In case that page doesn’t load… Here are a couple of more links to show you where I am going:

  1. a super simple notebook about naming cases - the idea here is the same as the CSV-driven input page (with without CSV). The idea is that data would be stored in some database, etc, and re-presented as pre-populated input fields. Currently I am only demonstrating the concept, but don’t have a way to ‘save’ the change from the UI (without editing the code, that is).

  2. a mock UI with toggle buttons to edit - this is how I’m envisioning a page that would allow users to edit information about a case (note that only the active ‘overview’ tab is modeling the behaviors I want - with buttons to the right).

… To be clear - I don’t really need to do this with GitHub (and given how much more work it involves than I was hoping, I probably I won’t). To step back a bit: I am trying to come up with a way to manage information that is totally transparent (and ideally free for anyone to replicate / use). I am enjoying learning more about JS and availing of all that Observable has to offer to work out proofs-of-concept for user interfaces, but I don’t have any knowledge of how one goes about connecting UIs to databases, etc. Where I am currently at is to save and store this information in .csv files, which I manage in Excel… but this quickly gets tedious, so I am seeking a better way.

I expect there are tools in the Observable pipeline that will help me with this, like the promised Google Drive connector, which I anticipate will allow me to use Google Sheets as the CSV / TSV data store, as well as the database client announced by Visnu. But databases still scare me, and using GitHub as a database seems like a reasonable, friendly idea. :wink:

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